Your Opinion: Systemic racism? No

Skip Hughes

Linn Creek

Dear Editor:

Systemic racism had been around for generations in our country. The administration has let us down completely. I am talking about the former administration, President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, then Attorney General Lorretta Lynch, all black.

In eight years, they did zero to end this apparent scar on America. That administration did nothing because there is no systemic racism in this country. Sure there is racism, in all groups of people in the country but not systemic. Now under this falsehood we are now going to defund entire police departments, have Antifa take over American cities, and destroy peoples lives and business all in the name of getting rid of systemic racism. Ten blacks were killed by cops last year in all of America, 7,000 blacks were killed by blacks in the same period, so if systemic racism exists I would say the problem lies not with the hundreds of thousands of law enforcement around the country but with in that people group.

If I am wrong, then I must thank Obama, Holder and Lynch for doing such a good job and going down in the history books as taking care of the problem of systemic racism.

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