Your Opinion: Note to Randall Balmer

Tom Ault

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

I do not profess to have the educational background, or even perhaps the knowledge that Mr. Balmer has, but with respect to his comments in the Los Angeles Times published in our own local paper, I have to answer with my opinion.

There is a lot of truth in what you, Mr. Balmer, have written, but you have strayed from a few things that you should recall as being good rather than all things being bad.

You talk about "traditions of caring for the poor and welcoming a stranger to embrace a series of 'deeply flawed politicians' and policies inimical to the teachings of Jesus." In Luke 6:37 we are asked to forgive in order that we be forgiven. All of our presidents have made decisions that were not always agreed with or felt warranted by the citizenry, but the people have forgiven them when their accomplishments were good. Our country has been in dire need of not only a better economy but also the belief that our country is safe.

President Obama walked around on his knees kissing the rings of any foreign ruler, president, or king that he could while telling them how bad this country had treated them. President Obama did more to divide this country than any other president, and at a time we, as a country, were finally coming together.

Our current president is not an angel. His poor judgment in speaking, and some other quick "jumping to conclusions" are examples; but, in the period he was being raised, much of what he is doing now, was then, common practice. (And not good.) Unfortunately he was raised with a silver spoon and cannot see his own faults and his employees dared not offend him. Most of us cannot see our own reflections very well either.

I suppose these things are meaningless to you Mr. Balmer, but for most of us having a decent place to live, health insurance we can afford, and a strong financial country is important. Rather than do as the Democrats have done, as they never got over the fact their beloved Hillary did not get elected, we should be behind our president, and if what he has done is not liked, vote him out on the next round, not slow the government's ability to do its job with a jealous and childish behavior.

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