Your Opinion: Response to Schildmeyer

Charlotte Schnieders

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Schildmeyer asked: Would they acquit a Democratic president if "she" committed the abuses Trump is charged with? The answer: Democrats/media ignored that behavior. Hillary paid a Russian spy to create a fake dossier, a DNC operative (Chalupa) worked with Ukraine to tie Manafort to Trump and start the Russian collusion story; a narrative continued when DNC's anti-Putin, "Crowdstrike" (not FBI) investigated the "supposedly hacked" server. Democrats said "nothing" about this foreign interference. They paraded Yavanovitch, tied to Obama/Soros's company's $7 billion loss of U.S. dollars in Ukraine and prevented Ukrainian Justice officials US entry/testimony that aided Hillary's campaign.

Ciramella's (the whistleblower) attorney, Zaid said conspicuously in January 2017 a "coup has started" and "impeachment will follow ultimately" and" I predict @CNN will play a key role in @realDonald Trump not finishing out his full term as president." The removal of Trump circus started in 2016, exacerbated by Schiff's lying parody of the Zelensky phone call, his partisan inquiry, disavowing GOP witnesses, transcript review and president's lawyer's participation. The TV show continued with Pelosi pens, picture taking and the sorrowful funeral parade to deliver the articles, which unconstitutionally they will expand. Trump was so dangerous the House rushed to finish, but held articles for a month. Was Pelosi aiding Biden, who confuses Iran and Iraq and his lascivious sucking his wife's fingers at a rally and story of a kid rubbing the hair on his legs?

Democrats won't believe their corruption Horowitz's revealed or Democratic constitutional lawyers, Dershowitz & Turley that Trump has committed no crime. Dems are pushing for a trial with witnesses they never subpoenaed, while denying GOP theirs. The media distortions present Trump as corrupt, stupid yet they can't beat his economy, his removal from the yearly $100 billion Paris climate hoax accord that enriches top Dems selling carbon credits on the CXX, removal from the $450 billion deal that allowed Iran to continue producing ballistic missiles and uranium since inspection sites were limited - now three European countries want a Trump deal while Dem candidates want a re-entry into these flawed agreements. For a year Dems held onto USMCA hurting farmers which Dems criticized along with the Phase One deal signed with China. Trump sanctions work!

Trump, like Reagan, knows America has peace through strength and doesn't bow to Ayatollahs.

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