Your Opinion: North Korea's gift

Mike Barnhill


Dear Editor:

What will be North Korea's gift for the New Year as promised by Kim Jung-Un? I haven't a clue to what that gift may be, but it probably won't be anything we'll like. I won't pretend to be a crystal ball reader or the sharpest knife in the drawer, but here may be a clue. Now that Iran has declared revenge against Trump and that of course includes us, the Iranians will be working 24/7 on nuclear weaponry. If total war begins, will that end in heavy casualties for us and a total decimation of Iran's population? Possibly and do they care? I may be incorrect, but isn't their belief that if they die in a Jihad they go straight to heaven? They probably feel "what have I got to lose?" The ancient proverb of "I'd rather die standing on my feet than living on my knees" may fit here.

Common sense seems to be at a low in the Trump administration. Perhaps that is because Trump is the only one talking. An example is the recent chaos at the Mexican-American border. When Central Americans rode trains, trucks and walked all the way through Mexico arriving at the border, Trump felt a stronger border would be a deterrent, but at what cost in time and money? He never considered that situation. If he hadn't been so undiplomatic to Mexican officials, he might have asked them to shut down their border with Central America. This eventual happened, but was a second thought and not the first choice. Trump's delay of his second choice caused many deaths and hundreds if not thousands still in the U.S. living in prison like conditions. All the while costing voters more and more tax dollars to care for.

The gift from North Korea may just be as simple as the shipment of nuclear weaponry straight to Iran. The deal wouldn't have to be much to ship as a nuclear device small enough to go into a suit case packs a lot wallop. Of course this would result in suicide for Iran, but do they really care anymore?

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