Your Opinion: Kudos to Sheriff's Department

Mary Ann DeCook

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

I definitely want to give credit where credit is due, so here goes.

During this time of some people frustrated and not being happy with everything law enforcement is doing, I would like to tell you about an experience I recently had.

On Saturday evening, the 11th, I realized that my little 18-year-old dog was not in the house. Because of his age, I was definitely alarmed, because by this time it was dark and it was very hot out and he doesn't see or hear well.

We drove all over the neighborhood for about an hour looking for him and decided to wait until the next morning.

It was Sunday, and I felt that any place that might help was closed, and would not open until Monday. Our only hope was that someone would take him in and since he had a tag from Quail Valley veterinarian, they might call them.

Someone suggested the Sheriff's Office! I called and the woman who answered was nice, and she asked questions.

Within a few minutes I received a call from Deputy Lamont Brown (#106), and he said he was on his way over. He took information and wanted a picture, and he said he would "stay in touch."

We continued looking, and at about 3 p.m. he called and told me that he was pretty sure "Budo" (or a dog like him) was at the Animal Shelter and this dog had been picked up close to where I lived. He had me call "Sam" at the Shelter and he sort of thought it was my dog also but said to be there at 8 a.m. Monday and identify him.

We were there at 8 a.m. and "Budo" was happy to see us! And we were happy to see him also! Before we left there, Deputy Brown called me to see if it was my dog.

Deputy Brown was just the best. He was so caring and helpful. He was exceptional and I appreciated it!

Sometimes we forget all of the great things they do for us.

I feel much better knowing people like him are in our Sheriff's Department!

Thanks to Sheriff Wheeler and his staff for all they do, and thanks to whoever took him to the Animal Shelter!

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