Your Opinion: Living God’s truth

Hugh Odneal

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

I want to thank the News Tribune for their unbiased approach to journalism in allowing both sides to express their opinions. Not many papers do, and Jefferson City residents should be thankful for this no matter which side you are on.

As we head toward another election year I pray Americans will remember what President Lincoln said after hearing someone say he hoped the Lord was on the Union’s side. The president responded, “I am not concerned about that, for I know the Lord is always on the side of the right. But it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation should be on the Lord’s side.”

This is my prayer also stop fighting for our opinion of right and start living God’s truth about right. I understand we can always find fault in an individual, in every party, in every household so I ask you who in your lifetime has done the most to fight for biblical values in politics? You serve who you desire but, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!” My desire is not for people to agree with me or my opinion but that they agree with God’s truth and that my opinion is aligned with this.

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