Your Opinion: Schools' traumatizing students with climate alarmism

Nelson Otto

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Climate alarmism is hurting our children. Reports are starting to come out that psychologists are prescribing anti-anxiety meds to increasing numbers of children who are suffering climate anxiety. There was one unverified report of a teen killing himself over climate change fears. We now have a teenager going on tour telling people she wants us to panic and be afraid as she is. There is no logical, rational, scientific reason to be afraid. There is definitely no reason, whatsoever to terrorize children. It is cruel, mean and just plain evil to subject children to this kind of abuse. It is time that compassionate caring adults start putting a stop to this travesty.

Learn the facts, learn the truth and let your children know that every 10 years or so this nonsense comes out and everything will be okay. We also need to start standing up to these bullies. We need to start paying attention to what our schools are teaching our children about climate change. We also need to take action, contact your school boards, and government agencies and put a stop to teachers and organizations frightening children. One of our past governors held a non-frightening Halloween party at the Governor's Mansion to protect our children. If our governors are willing to do that to prevent children from being traumatized then hopefully our governor is willing to step in and stop schools from traumatizing our children over climate change. Please write to our governor, legislators and school boards and demand that this form of child abuse be stopped. Children don't need to live in terror over climate change.

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