Your Opinion: Response to Holloway

Ed Williams

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Leslie Holloway's letter saying that the "Right to Harm" video is one sided is a tactic. She is trying to attack the process rather than disputing the truth of the video. Ms. Holloway admits there are bad players and horror stories in the CAFO business. How many bad players does it take to destroy people's homes and lives? Is it true that there are only four companies in the pork business? Two of those are foreign owned. We could have had some assurance of safety if the Cole County Commission had built in protection when they had a chance like 22 other counties. Now we must hope that the courts will protect us from the bad actors.

At least now we know that the Missouri Farm Bureau is behind the dirty trick of allowing large companies to pollute our land, air and water. We should hold Sen. Mike Bernskoetter and the Farm Bureau responsible for making Cole County potentially unlivable.

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