Your Opinion: Health insurance for the potential immigrant

Tom Ault

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

According to an article in the Nov. 3 newspaper, we find another block, from one of 870 federal judges, blocking the Trump Administration's ruling regarding immigrants. First and foremost, why do we have federal judges all over this United States that are allowed to interfere with any administrations ruling? It seems to me that if you have one federal judge in each state that can interfere whenever he or she feels the need, we have a serious problem. We must acknowledge the "check and balance" system, but in today's political stupor where everything done is on a political basis rather than an intellectual one, it could be argued that the office of federal judge should be given a closer look at regarding its jurisdiction and power.

The immigration records apparently show that from 2013 to 2017 the medically uninsured of the immigration population dropped from 32 percent to 20 percent. This was during the time that the "Affordable Care Act" was instigated (by the Democrats) to be sure "every American citizen would be insured."

Problems will continue to be in our daily lives as they always have, but for one reason or another it appears that our leaders have decided we are the world's protector and savior. (This is an act of EGO, not caring) This cannot continue because the world, like a nation, or a state, or a city, will always have the poor and the rich, the sick and the healthy, the right and the wrong. It is called "life." Our country was not founded on the principle that we would care for the world's problems.

Immigration has become a problem all over the globe. The countries that were once strong are getting weaker each day as they allow more and more people to come into their borders without a means of support, hoping to get that support from the country they are invading.

It is time for us to come to the realization that we can help those in need, but first we must fortify our own indigent peoples. Once we accomplish that, we will have our country financially and physically capable of going to those countries that ask for our help and offer it.

(Note: judge count: There are nine Supreme Court, 179 Court of Appeals, 673 District Courts, nine International Trade)

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