Your Opinion: Medicare for all will run, and ruin, your life

Curtis Thompson

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

This letter is written in response to Mr. Reichel's LTE supporting "Medicare for All." He states in support of his position that he does not think that after paying monthly premiums for private insurance he should not have to also pay co-pays or deductibles. Mr. Reichel must not be on Medicare. I am and I pay over $100 a month in premiums to the federal government and still have copays and deductibles. Medicare does not cover many procedures so I also have supplemental insurance which costs many hundreds of dollars per month and I still have copays and deductibles. This is after I paid Medicare taxes for more than 50 years. If Medicare for All is adopted, why should a 20-year-old who has paid little or no taxes be entitled to the same medical coverage I have after paying taxes for 50 years?

Medicare for All will cripple our medical care system just as it has Sweden's. Mr. Reichel claims Sweden has a great system, but you do not hear of anyone leaving this country to go to Sweden for treatment. A simple internet search reveals many problems with its system. See for example

If medical insurance should be provided to all citizens, how does Mr. Reichel propose paying for it? Taxes are the only answer. We already pay more taxes than we should but history proves that increased government control reduces efficiency and services in every aspect of society. The only government-run health system in this country of which I am aware is that provided by the VA. The horrors of that system are well-documented. Government provided health care is not the solution.

Why would we stop with health care? Why not let the government provide home owners' insurance, car insurance, and malpractice insurance? If you want the government running your lives, then support Medicare for All. In addition to running your life, it will also ruin your life.

We all know examples of scandals in government, whether it is our local government spending taxes for a foot bridge to an "island" that floods every few years, Missouri University violating the Sunshine Law, or the federal government violating privacy rights of individuals. Do not turn your health care over to the government. Say no to Medicare for All.

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