Your Opinion: Commandments a remedy for violence?

Tim O’Mara

Jefferson City

To the Editor:

As an atheist, I’ve always prided myself on respecting the beliefs of others as I expect them to respect mine. Jim Dyke’s recent cartoon suggesting the 10 Commandments as a remedy for “violence” in America, forces me to work harder to maintain this respect. I wish to remind Mr. Dyke that only two of the commandments are actually laws.

As for the first two commandments, I argue the politicians who claim there is little to do about gun violence in this country have accepted “strange gods” above their Lord. The NRA is one such god. By taking their money and refusing to strengthen background checks and renewing the ban on assault weapons, these politicians — while invoking the name of God (in vain) during their “thoughts and prayers” — have broken these two commandments.

“Thou shalt not kill.” Politicians are currently striving for points with their bases by announcing their support for the death penalty. Shouldn’t this commandment read, “Thou shalt not kill, unless it is politically beneficial?” And did I mention the stuff about gun violence?

“Thou shalt not commit adultery.” America’s president has not only committed adultery, he has openly bragged about his ability to grab women by a certain body part because of his power and wealth. (Two more strange gods.)

“Thou shalt not steal.” Trump and his family’s foundations have been proven to have taken money from cancer charities to fill their own coffers. Maybe this commandment should be rewritten as “Thou shalt not steal, launder money, or funnel funds from charity events meant to benefit sick children.” (Skeptics, please Google “Trump and Cancer Charities.”)

Our president “bear(s) false witness” almost every time he speaks in public. One of the latest examples is that he “started speaking very quickly” after a crowd at one of his rallies starting chanting — in a non-Christian manner — to “Send her (an American citizen) back.” Video, unfortunately not around when the commandments were written, proved Trump to be lying by about 13 seconds.

And as far as “coveting” goes, we have “The Coveter-in-Chief” residing in the White House. The way he idolizes Putin and Kim Jung-Un and their power is embarrassing.

I’d like to suggest another commandment — why not go to 11? — “Thou shalt not use your position as a clergy member or Boy Scout leader to take sexual advantage of our youth or bear false witness when you discover the truth.”

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