Your Opinion: A ‘paw’ on the back for cleaning dog park

Editor’s note: We like to provide a forum for our readers to spotlight positive aspects of our community. While such topics don’t meet the criteria of a letter to the editor, we occasionally like to share selections from such letters.

As the floodwaters receded in North Jefferson City a few weeks ago, those of us who are dog owners started returning to the dog park. We saw what can only be described as a mess!

Bob Komen, and his faithful dog Tyler began the task of cleaning it up. That week, every morning, Bob was at the park hauling trash in his wheel barrow and cutting dead trees with his chainsaw and piling it up in the parking lot. He hung up a sign asking for help on Saturday (a couple of weeks ago) and organized a group to rake up the trash and even got a volunteer from MFA to scrape the gumbo off the small dog lot.

“Thank You” to the city crews that did the lions’ share of the work with their equipment, hauling away the trash and debris. But again, it was Bob who set the wheels in motion. It will still be some time before we get the lots covered with grass, but amazingly, the large dog lot is green and the small dog lot (with Bob watering it daily) is starting to green up as well. Thanks, Bob, from all of us who use the dog park … especially your furry friends.

David Lankford, Jefferson City

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