Club notes

Missouri River Quilt Guild

President Tanya Harrel called the Missouri River Quilt Guild to order on Tuesday, April 18, at the Masonic Lodge. In attendance were 57 current members and two guests.

Gayla McKinnie presented the April "birthday" quilt.

The remaining 2023 dates for Bare Bones Retreats at the Masonic Lodge are: May 11-14, June 22-25, Aug. 18-21, Oct. 12-15 and Nov. 9-12. Days begin at 9 a.m. and end at 8 p.m., except for last days, which end at 4 p.m. for cleanup and out by 5 p.m. It is requested that attendees not come until as close to 9 a.m. as possible on the first day so that hall can be arranged first. Subsequent days, people can enter if the door is unlocked. People work on their own projects and can come and go as they please. If the weather is bad, the day will be cancelled.

Venues are being explored for the 2024 Guild Retreat.

Upcoming programs are: There will be a workshop by Judy Brinker in August. Future programs include: May will be a trunk show by Eva Studley, Bev Shelton, Patty Truax, Susan Wilson and Barb Kuebler. June will be "4 Corners" program; Jane Bedworth will demo twilling, Susan Wilson will demo disappearing 9-patch and 4-patch, Dora Ransdell will demo BlocLoc and Barb Kuebler will demo freezer paper applique. The March lotto blocks were won by Joyce Hagenhoff.

Members of the three subgroups -- Longarm, Art and Applique/Handiwork -- gave reports.

The program for the meeting was Guild member Susie Wilson presenting various quilts she has created or won at raffles.

Show and Tell was held with the quilters with April birthdays going first.

For more information about the Guild, contact [email protected].

Submitted by Barbara Barnard, Secretary, 573-619-1497 (cell).

Preceptor Lambda Iota

The first May meeting of Preceptor Lambda Iota was held at Debbie Skouby's home on May 2.

The new slate of officers for next year were installed at this meeting: President -- Phyllis Emmel; Vice President Susie Perkins will serve a second term; Recording Secretary Madalynn Bell will serve a second term; Corresponding Secretary -- Tammy Meyer; and Treasurer –--Debbie Skouby.

The May service project is a donation to Food for Kids. Debbie presented the cultural program on the history of pies and prepared a delicious chocolate cream pie using her grandmother's recipe.

Jane Marbaker hosted the second meeting May 16. This meeting also served as our May social with Jane preparing tacos and members bringing salads and desserts. We exchanged secret sister gifts and drew for new secret sisters for next year. Susie Perkins passed an envelope for donations to the May service project, Food for Kids. She will deliver the donation.

Madalynn was selected as our chapter's Valentine Queen for next year. We completed the 2022-23 Chapter Yardstick and Madalynn will submit it to Beta Sigma Phi International.

Jane presented the cultural program on how to safely remove raccoons from your yard. They may be cute, but they can be very destructive. There was a lively discussion about experiences with critters in members' yards and homes.

Submitted by Madalynn Bell, Recording Secretary.

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