Your Opinion: Labels often too broad, inaccurate

Nelson Otto, Jefferson City

Dear Editor,

I would like to thank both you for publishing and the author of the "Christians and the LGBTQ Community."

I agree with the letter. For centuries, people have liked to create groups and classifications to put everything, not just people, into. Today, we call it identity.

While groups and classifications help streamline life, they can also be too broad. Labels like Christian or LGBTQ are perfect examples. In truth, there is no war between Christians and LGB. They are not diametrically opposites of each other. There are denominations that accept and even ordain LGB individuals. There are LGB that are strong and faithful Christians.

We cannot and should not judge all Christians or LGB by a handful of nasty, nutty people who are constantly put up for display as examples of a whole group.

Next, I would suggest to the readers, stop listening to activist groups no matter what side they claim to be on. Would anyone claim that the Westboro Baptist Church is an example of all Christianity? I would not, nor would I think Baptist preacher Danil Kutsarr is a fine example of Baptist pastors much less all of Christianity.

Many years ago, I joined a group who wanted to help LGB. None of them were LGB and none had family members who were LGB. They got all their information by watching LBG movies and other activist groups and thought that this is how all LGB people were and lived. There is no paragon of an LGB person. Like Martin Luther King Jr., I too have a dream that one day I will live in a nation where people will not be judged by their group label but by the content of their character.

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