Your Opinion: Here we go again

Daniel Kliethermes

New Bloomfield

Dear Editor:

Well, I guess since Dr. Anthony Fauci has been taken out of the limelight, he is trying something new. Now supposedly there is a new variance called BA.2 that was found in Europe and he wants to be back on center stage as he is wanting attention.

We should have learned from COVID-19 and the delta variance we were misrepresented and the numbers were exaggerated as to how many people died or were hospitalized, in my opinion, because doctors and hospitals did not want to lose federal money or doctors losing their licenses so they could not practice anymore.

The Centers for Disease Control -- aka Communist Dictatorship Control unit -- which I will call it instead of Center for Disease Control, wants to alarm Americans again.

Fauci said if this so-called virus comes to America, which he says it already has, America may have to pivot back to the way we were when COVID hit America. Fauci knew of this variant way before it was bought to the public's attention. Is Fauci upset because he wants to make more money along with drug companies?

These people need to be put under a microscope and their financial records need to be investigated and gone over with a fine-tooth comb. So, America, it may soon be coming along with people's livelihood and businesses at stake, with all that is going on in America because of the incompetent Biden administration and their Communist agenda that is wrecking America. We may have to deal with this along with the so-called new variant.

They are going to bankrupt honest taxpayers -- middle- and lower-class America. This time if they haven't lost everything now, they will certainly lose it if Fauci gets his way. Republicans, along with Democrats, if they care about America and their constituents, they need to stop Fauci from any more lockdowns now. Politicians, do your job to help the American people and not the greedy Fauci and drug companies.

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