FROM HER: Celebrating new beginnings

A new year can sometimes feel like a lot of pressure. How do I improve myself? How do I show that this year is better than the last? How do I not give up on that New Year’s resolution to drink more water come February? 

Flipping those conversations, though, reveals the potential a new beginning can bring. Instead, ask: How do I honor how far I’ve come? How do I celebrate every year in my journey? How do I prioritize my physical and mental wellbeing? 

It’s all about perspective. 

In this first magazine of 2022, we’re all about tackling a new challenge or a new phase of life head on. You never know how worthwhile a new start can be! 

Whitney and James Scurlock are no strangers to new things. In the course of just over a year, the couple of six years got engaged, bought a house, adopted a dog, worked remotely and threw and epic wedding — all during a pandemic. They acknowledge the chaos all the transitions brought, but for them, the chaos led to beautiful memories with lots of love. 

After our newlyweds, we highlight the Struemph family, which welcomed baby Esther into the fold last fall. She may have been a bit of a surprise, but aren’t all the best things?

And lastly in our “phases of life” series, we talk retirement. It can be a rewarding time full of opportunities to pursue new passions and spend more time with family. But it requires careful planning; experts walk us through how to make the most of the time.

As we planned and prepared these stories, it was hard for me not to reflect on the phases of my life ­— those behind me now and those yet to come. As I enter my fourth year of marriage, my husband and I are preparing for our first baby this spring. My clothes have stopped fitting and the house is in shambles as we renovate a nursery, but I couldn’t be more excited — albeit a bit terrified. Worries aside, this chapter of life is shaping up to be the best yet. 

It’s all about perspective. 

We hope 2022 is kind to you and you use the year not to dwell on what needs fixing but focus on all the potential that lies ahead. 

Molly Morris is the editor of HER Magazine. You can reach her at 573-761-0242 or by email at [email protected].

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