County health department to screen for diabetes for DHSS staff

The Cole County Health Department will begin performing diabetic biometrics screenings for Department of Health and Senior Services employees.

In the Dec. 20 Cole County commission meeting, Kristi Campbell, Cole County health director, submitted a letter of agreement for diabetic biometrics screenings. Campbell said DHSS has contacted her in a prior meeting and asked the health department to perform glucose testing for DHSS staff for a new diabetes prevention program.

Campbell said DHSS wants to see if they can find employees who might have prediabetes or diabetes but perhaps weren't aware of it.

The initial idea was for the health department to do a finger-prick test for glucose. But during that meeting, Campbell said, DHSS realized the health department can do a full biometrics screening.

"(DHSS) decided to go with that instead of just having us do finger-stick (tests) for blood sugar," Campbell said during the meeting.

The biometrics screening the health department provides includes measuring the employee's weight, body mass index (BMI), muscle mass percentage and blood pressure. The health department also draws blood for comprehensive metabolic panel, complete blood count, Lipid panel and prostate specific antigen (PSA) for males 50 and over.

A single biometrics screening performed by the health department will cost $45, according to Campbell -- a sum they charged other companies in the past. She said if results came back showing an elevated level of glucose, DHSS staff will then receive a call and from there follow-up charges will be assessed by the hour, not exceeding $10,000.

The commission authorized the agreement.

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