Your Opinion: ‘Tear down this wall!’

Frank Rycyk

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” President Ronald Reagan’s voice boomed out to the crowd from a recording from his famous 1987 speech. The recording was played at a recent event in Fulton, Missouri. The speaker was the Honorable Edwina Sandys, M.B.E.

Ms. Sandys is the granddaughter of Winston Churchill. She is the artist who created the “Breakthrough” sculpture. She told the story of making this work of art from pieces of the demolished Berlin Wall.

A wall is going up as I write this letter. it is at the U.S.-Mexican border. Will it last forever? I don’t think so.

Imagine some time in the future. Mexico may have become part of the United States. Other countries may have joined the union. Will the wall still be “needed?”

Imagine, also, a sculpture made from fragments of this wall. Who will sculpt it? Where will it be located? I would like to suggest Jefferson City, Missouri.

Some people perceive a need for a wall. Many do not. This may be part of the evolution of humankind.

I can hear the voice in the future: “Mr. president, tear down this wall.”

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