Your Opinion: Dems have become radical

Dems have become radical

Steve Sampson

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

There is an idea that instead of building a “border wall,” we should fix the reason that a lot of these people want to come to the USA, namely all the free stuff they will get when they arrive. There is an individual on the radio that says something similar to this almost every day. I am sure that he realizes, that would take more than one generation to accomplish, if it even could. That’s not to say we shouldn’t try, but there would be so much push back that it will take years to accomplish, if ever. There is a lot of money involved with all the free stuff given to people by the feds.

I am totally confused as to why the Democrat leaders don’t want a wall on the border, but they want a wall around their homes, “not.” Some have more than one home also. If it is true that as the speaker says that a wall is immoral, then why does she have one around her home? In addition, I think it is even more immoral to support abortion on demand, than a wall protecting the citizens of the USA.

Rather than give the president a win, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are fixated on the last presidential election. Their refusal to let it go and get on with governing in a divided Congress is a shameful sign of how radical their party has become since Trump’s election. You have to be brain dead to not see that the Democrat party of my grandparents is not the Democrat party of today.

I have said this in prior letters; I would never vote for a Democrat for any office because of their parties stance on abortion, homosexual marriage, and taking God out of their party’s platform. There are many other reasons that I will not go into with this letter.

The president made an outstanding speech Tuesday night and the response was tepid. It reminded me of the painting “American Gothic,” the two of them standing there with scowls on their faces. They should have switched sides to be more in line with the painting. The only thing missing was the pitch fork!

Lying hypocrite politicians

Harold Horstmann


Dear Editor:

I call your attention to the following Jan. 6, 2019, article by AWR Hawkins: Golden Globes: “Anti-Gun Hollywood Surrounded By Security Walls and Armed Guards” (

Trump wants to spend 1/10th of 1 percent of our nation’s budget to protect us while our leftist liberal Democrat house so-called leaders won’t hear of it. I wonder what percent of the Golden Globes budget was spent on security for the elite leftist celebrities so they can be safe? I would bet it’s more than 1/10th of 1 percent of their budget! To put it in context that we “basket of deplorables,” as labeled by Hillary Clinton, can understand; let’s say the Golden Globes budget was $1,000,000 then 0.1 percent of that would be $1,000 for a their wall. Even non-deplorable liberals should be able to understand how ridiculous that is!

I know elite celebrities and liberal politicians are convinced they are indispensable because they are working hard to make our lives better and happier. Hogwash! It’s all about protecting their money and their careers! They think everyone should know their lives are much more important than ours since we’re just the unwashed masses!

The real culprit here is the media. It’s their choice to publicize whatever they feel is important. By their efforts to discredit Trump and/or misrepresent any and all of his accomplishments and attempts to protect us and improve our opportunities in life is destroying our access to any truthful news sources. How about the walls around the properties of Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein and Maxine Waters? Every one of those walls cost more than 1/10th of 1 percent and probably more like 10 percent of their annual income. Why does the press seem to ignore the hypocrisy of these liberal Democrat politicians who a few years ago promoted the building of a wall on our southern border.

Until we citizens have access to complete objective and truthful news in order to make good decisions as to who is really trying to protect us and make our lives better, then these lying hypocrite politicians will continue to be able to hornswoggle us into voting for and keeping in office!

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