Your Opinion: Protecting our borders

Charlotte Schnieders

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

President Trump and congressional leaders took an oath of office to protect our country from danger both foreign and domestic. In his oval office speech, Trump reported that in 2018 4,000 Americans were killed by illegals, 100,000 violently assaults and 30,000 sexually assaults occurred. Plus, the cost of the illegal drugs flowing into America killed over 70,000 last year and taxpayers footed $500 billion for drug prevention. Yet, Democrats won’t give 5.7 billion (less than 1/10th of 1 percent of the budget) for a barrier to stop the harm to Americans.

Schumer, Pelosi and Democrats promote technology that can detect but not physically stop people rushing a border. They use barriers to protect their homes and have all supported funding for border barriers in the past, so why was it OK before, but not now? It is their absolutely hatred that Trump is giving control of people’s lives back to them and removing it from the politicians! Under Obama, businesses were killed with high taxes, over regulations and moved to other countries. Democrats eased welfare requirements and they exploded in recipients. Socialist healthcare was passed with not one Republican vote, so government controls who receives care and costs have sky-rocketed. Our military was weakened by sequestration and “rules of engagement” that favored the enemy. When you depend on the government for support, they control you! Obama saw that Iran received hundreds of billions in “cash” and removed sanctions to favor a terrorist country without Congressional approval and the media ignored it — why? Trump almost completely wiped out ISIS in Syria and supports our military.

Trump was elected to reverse devastating trends and 24/7 they spew hated for him and his family! The media that sways opinions will never report that Trump has the lowest unemployment in U.S. history or more jobs than applicants. He’s renegotiating horrible trade deficits and treaties that forces Mexico to purchase American products to help pay for the wall. He is bringing billions of businesses back to America increasing tax revenue, getting people off welfare and he does this all for no compensation, as his salary goes to charity.

Common sense is gone. Venezuela was destroyed by Socialists programs and Congressional Democrats are forcing America in that direction. Freedom does not mean “free stuff!”

George Soros’ dream to destroy America has almost been achieved by naïve voters.

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