Your Opinion: Haters in Congress

Steve Veltrop Sr.

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Fellow Americans, Republicans and Democrats. We all want the same thing for our country: strong economy, strong military, immigration laws, law enforcement, no racism, peace for our children and employment. Have we not seen all of these things taking on in the right direction since Nov. 22, 2016? Then why are we allowing a few to say these things are wrong? Why do we continue to vote haters into office. (Don’t get excited liberals.) Let me finish. Look at the mentality we have in Congress. Just a few dictating what happens to we the people. Let’s look at these people. After reading each name, ask yourself what have I heard positive from this individual in the last two years? Ok, here goes:

Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Waters, Udall, Cummings, Warren, Booker, Feinstein, Hirono, Leahy, Sanders and Tester? Thirteen elected representatives of Americans who hate our president so profusely and horrifically. They place the safety and success of Americans before each of their egos. My God, have we has Americans lost our rights and values? Lost our common sense. And follow these self-centered egotistical narcissistic racists like a trained circus horse. Putting their agenda before the good of our country and our children. Have we become members of a cult mentality? Jim Jones, Charlie Manson, David Koresh and Adolf Hitler. When do we as Americans become accountable for ourselves? My God, stand up an say no to these self-righteous haters. Enough is enough. No more of the tail wagging the dog.

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