Your Opinion: You might be a Trump supporter if…

Morris Munsen Jr.

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Thank you for completing this short poll. The results will be used in the right way.

Note: A perfect score of 10 is required. Disagreement with any one or more statements disqualifies you from certification. Furthermore, if you own a MAGA hat of any color, you must surrender it to the nearest RNC red donation bin.

1. You believe the knowledge, skills and abilities involved in governing a democratic republic as an elected president ought to be equivalent to those involved in directing a private corporation as a board-appointed CEO.

2. You try to tell the truth when you can.

3. You respond to malfunctioning machines and operating systems by pounding on them or tampering with them.

4. You respond aggressively when (unsolicited) someone of lesser power or position disagrees with, questions, or challenges you.

5. You admire people who lead purposeful lives; however, you attribute no authority to them if they neither own significant material objects nor associate with those who do.

6. You believe the means to a worthy end are justified by that end.

7. You like to “stir the pot” especially if chaos transpires.

8. You believe self-doubt and humility are for losers.

9. You believe you are neither a racist nor a sexist.

10. You believe reading political screeds such as this is akin to taking proper breathing advice from a trout.

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