Your Opinion: Guns come with a price

Dear Editor:

The Second Amendment and millions of guns have a price. That price is death. Thousands of deaths every year.

Every few weeks we have a mass shooting, usually schools these days. People get to bury their kids. Suicides are up according to the news. Most suicides are by gun.

Gang violence, murder daily by gun. Domestic gun violence, husbands shooting wives, boyfriend shoots girlfriend.

I like guns too. Why do men like guns so much? Is it sexual as someone once said? Testosterone maybe. Women are nowhere near as violent as males.

Our good Christian Republicans could at least start a fund for victims of gun violence. Couldn't you? A tax on gun and ammo sales to buy victims of gun violence. A tax to pay for medical expenses of victims. Insurance to cover costs of victims. The NRA could help pay, couldn't they? Manufacturers?

Guns are just objects, tools as some say. But they are deadly in a killer's hands. Easy killings.

I like guns too. But let's at least help victims of gun violence. That is decent, caring, Christian. American maybe?

Let's don't just say, "Oh, our hearts go out to the victims. We are praying for you. We feel your pain."

You know the cheap Republican healthcare hasn't happened yet. So let's help shooting victims with a tax on guns, etc. I'm willing. Manufacturers?

Faith is common sense. Common sense is light. Light is Truth and Truth is the law. Now live it.

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