Your Opinion: Eliminate waste, tackle national debt

Dear Editor:

Bad government. We've seen it again on March 23. Year after year, the same old thing. A last-minute bill, 2,232 pages, put together by four people. How many senators or representatives even read the bill? Congress has not passed a federal budget for over 11 years! They've only passed stop-gap spending bills.

An old gentleman in our neighborhood used to say "stupid is as stupid does." We have many stupid people representing us in Washington, D.C. They are smart enough to put their careers first and the U.S.A. maybe third or fourth.

There are hundreds of wasteful, inefficient, outdated programs that should be eliminated, no one can rightly justify them. The Senate officers and employees received an increase of $12.6 million. What should have happened is to decrease the offices and employees by 7 percent per year for three years. The House of Representatives approved a spending bill of $1.2 billion, while increasing its own budget by $10.9 million. Around 50 percent of the people in the U.S.A. receive a check from the government. What's wrong with that picture?

We all know that wasteful, unjustified, excessive spending debt will cause a business to fail. It's no different with our government. Reducing the national debt should be their priority from now on.

President Trump also wanted to finalize the DACA and immigration situation. He also wanted national infrastructure.

Our representatives in Washington, D.C., failed the president and our country.

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