Your Opinion: Agent orange - silent, slow killer

Dear Editor:

Please read and pass to your friends. I have agent orange symptoms such as loss of lung, colon cancer, skin cancer, motor control, taste buds.

It could also be breast cancer, urine cancer, diabetes, brain cancer.

Our government sprayed since 1943 in World War II, Korea, Germany, Vietnam, Hawaii where they buried many barrels of this outlawed chemical.

Today Monsanto sold out to Bayer for they are in a class-action lawsuit for Roundup and other agents that are still being used today by farmers, home users on lawns for disposing of weeds. It's in you milk, water, air, cereal, bread, fruit you and your children eat.

So now is the time to put a stop to this awful disease. It's in cigarettes, pot, anything you could grow, eat or take in you can get by any opening on your body, open sores, nipples, penis, rectum, mouth, skin, eyes.

So I may not be a doctor but I have been around and ask many questions.

Plus my sister who I loved dearly died of breast cancer.

So I have also lost cousins who lived in Quincy, Illinois, next to a plant who put this chemical on corn seed and a lot of other neighbor of Quincy also died of brain and mouth cancer. So think about yourself and children.

Let's put a stop to this silent slow death disease.


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