Your Opinion: Tax cuts for who?

Dear Editor:

Watch out seniors and those who hope to be one someday. Your Social Security, Medicare and hoped-for way of life are on the chopping block.

Why? Because the president and Congress are rushing to ram through the "Tax and Jobs Act" without any public hearings or bipartisan support because they are doing something so ridiculously unjust and wrong that they don't want us to have the time to think about it and figure out that we are getting the shaft. A $1.5 trillion dollar tax break disproportionately benefiting the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans and big corporations and, at the same time, assuring the necessity of having to raid programs like Social Security, Medicare and other programs that serve the middle class and poor, all under the guise of a middle-class tax cut.

Major public policy legislation that impacts everyone in America, like Social Security, Medicare and the ACA, all passed Congress with public hearings.

By the way, this Tax Act is also gutting the Affordable Care Act, thus stripping health care from 13 million people and opening the Artic Wildlife Preserve for oil exploration to further damage the environment without public hearings.

We have to be crazy to passively tolerate such damage to our families and communities.

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