Your Opinion: The problem with Muslim immigrants? Their descendants

Dear Editor:

The plan is to thoroughly vet prospective immigrants from several Middle Eastern Muslim countries. If our investigators can satisfy themselves that the applicants for immigration don't have any connection to fundamentalist Islam or its most well-known expression, terrorism, then we will allow them to enter our gate. Of course, any system of vetting that is used will be in place primarily to pacify those of us who have eyes to see, and many sworn enemies of the United States will be welcomed.

Let's imagine that the vetting process is miraculously effective, and every Muslim immigrant is deeply determined to respect American law and custom. We're supposing that none of the newcomers are fundamentalist Muslims, meaning that none of them believe that the Koran is without error in its teaching. Instead, they follow the teachings of certain Muslim scholars who have recorded their relatively gentle thoughts during the centuries since The Prophet walked the earth. Muslims who reject the violence demanded by the Koran might be compared to virtually all religious Americans who would not even consider walking into a fiery death in defense of their faith. They are nearly harmless.

Here's the problem. These ideal Muslims who are allowed to immigrate will create descendants, not all of whom will follow in the steps of their fathers. Some members of these new generations of Muslims will be electrified by the genius of the Koran's call to glory for those who give themselves up as warriors for a more pure Islam. Too many young Muslims of future generations, who have easy access to the Koran and who have been taught an elemental respect for that Holy Book, will read that the Will of Allah is that infidels be murdered in the most painful ways, that women be completely subjugated and that any departure from fundamental Islam be brutally punished. The Koran will offer an escape from the frustration of growing old or growing into adulthood in an unsatisfactory world. Too many dissatisfied Muslims with a sense of entitlement to a powerful manhood will have the way opened for them by the Koran to join with others in destroying all that exists outside of Allah's Will, including all of Western Civilization. Even if Islam were to be destroyed in every other part of the world, violent, worldwide Jihad would spring out of its new American roots.


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