Your Opinion: Shoe factory rehab to be Hamilton-Dulle Towers again

Dear Editor:

This is in reference to the article about the old shoe factory on Capitol Avenue being turned into affordable housing for people who make $24,000 or less.

All we are doing in Jefferson City is creating another 10-12 Jackson St. The number of fire and EMS calls to that location is overwhelming. I know because I hear this on a police scanner.

We need to create space for young executives that might come to the Capital City to work in state government, however until the state decides to pay appropriate wages, we may never see these executives, which is another issue. We have enough trash residences especially on the East side. We cannot get the city code enforcement to do their job over the city much less control the tenants of such a large building.

Maybe we should contact the new owner and express our concern on this issue. I would like to hear views from other tax paying citizens.


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