Your Opinion: The propaganda organs and moral failures of Dems

Dear Editor:

The Reich (Democrat Party) Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (NY Times, AP, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, etc.) was a Nazi (Democrat Party) government agency (collection of private but thoroughly leftist indoctrinated supposed news organizations) to enforce Nazi (Democrat Party) ideology.

The collection of thoroughly leftist, indoctrinated, supposed news organizations have two main tasks as the propaganda mouthpieces of the Democrat Party. They exert herculean efforts to ensure nobody in the USA, and the world, could read or see anything that was hostile or damaging to the Democrat Party while slandering, threatening, and censoring any information generated by conservatives, rational individuals, and Republicans. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is a ghastly concept to Democrats and their propaganda mouthpieces.

Even right here in river city propaganda can intrude into the 'news'. After the November elections, which Democrats lost big time, KRCG declared the following Facebook post by a local elected official to be controversial, "Democrats haven't been this upset since Republicans took away their slaves." Who at KRCG decided to corrupt the absolute truth with the subjective modifier "controversial"? I wrote KRCG about the matter and never received an answer.

Anyway, I wish Democrats were sort of like glow sticks. Snap them and shake the caca out of them until the light of reality comes on. Unfortunately assuming the presence of a reality light in Democrats that can be turned on is fallacious assumption. Since Trump was legally elected president of the USA the Democrat Party faithful have indulged in anarchy type protests, calling for the overthrow of the government, assassination of Trump, arson, bombing threats, physical assaults on Trump supporters, and vandalism. For Democrats tolerance is a one way concept.

Moral agnosticism can completely corrupt and disintegrate a culture. The idea that one must never pass moral judgment on others is absurd; tolerance of anything means never distinguishing good from evil.

The Democrat Party profits from moral agnosticism and everybody else loses. Justice or equal treatment never occurs when people abstain equally from praising citizen's virtues and from condemning citizen's vices. A neutral moral attitude declares that neither the good person nor the evil person may expect anything from you. Political correctness, a form of thought slavery, that is not challenged means slavery, is tolerated. Failure to condemn lawlessness encourages more lawlessness.

Democrats need moral and legal guidance yet they desperately avoid such knowledge.

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