Your Opinion: President threatens freedoms

Dear Editor:

I was watching the president's latest post-election rally stating to the mass of red hats out in the audience to make America great again. I couldn't help remembering seeing old films of the late Italian dictator Benito Mussolini promising his black shirt followers to make Italy great again. I hope for America's sake, there is no parallel between the two, but given our president's history in the past six months I am not so sure. We can just as easily lose our freedoms to internal forces as we can from external forces. His attacks on his appointees greatly concerns me just because they are following the law and retaliating against members of his own party for not following his dictates. This is dangerous.

I have no confidence the Republicans in the Senate will be able to counter him despite the valiant efforts of Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona (who the president is trying to find other Republicans to run against in his coming re-election because he called out the president in the primaries), Sen. John McCain, Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina and Sen. Mark Rubio of Florida. They will fail because the rest of the Republican senators will go along instead of fighting for the best interest of America. The Republicans in the House are too many to count.

The Democrats are out of power in all ways so they don't count.

He is no match for Russian President Putin and I fear what the president will give up, and he doesn't even realize the Russians must have a load of information on him that they can release at any time of their choosing.

I am not one wearing a red hat. It may seem like it but these are dark days in our history and I am only speaking for myself.


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