Your Opinion: Cut 'free' stuff from DC

Dear Editor:

Sunday's News Tribune had several stories noting that the proposed federal budget would stop funding certain local programs with money from DC's magic money tree, more borrowing. I say hip, hip hooray! If taxpayers deem the programs to be worth the cost, then the programs should be funded by either state or local government, not with more federal borrowing. Federally funded programs similar to these are a significant part of the reason the federal government continues to run up massive annual deficits. Free stuff from DC buys votes.

I don't expect the cuts to be included in any final budget. For them not to be funded the people in Congress would have to put the interests of our nation ahead of doing whatever is necessary to get re-elected, so that they can continue to feather their own nests. Congress will do anything it can to keep the vote buying, free stuff streaming out of DC.

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