Your Opinion: GOP 'power grabbers' only emulating Dems

Dear Editor:

I read with interest a letter, "What your Congress members aren't telling you," by Sue Gibson in the April 12 News Tribune.

When I read the first paragraph about how "The first week of April was eventful ." I first suspected I was reading an April Fool's joke. Then I read further and realized that the lady was serious.

I first wondered what constituted the "horrifying track record" of our newly seated Supreme Court justice. Then I wondered if she realized that the Democrat "power grabbers," when they were in the majority, used the same method to force the seating of liberal judges in our federal courts. The Republican "power grabbers" were only emulating their example.

When she attacked Sen. Roy Blunt and Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer for their votes to undo the so-called internet privacy rule, I wondered if she had ever criticized former President Obama for not seeking to impose the rule at some earlier point in his eight years of futility, I mean eight years in office.

Finally, she suggested you remember all her diatribes when you next take your turn at voting for who will represent you in Washington.

If you do, you will have to have a long memory in the case of Sen. Blunt. He doesn't come up for re-election until 2022. As for both Sen. Blunt and Rep. Luetkemeyer, I plan to remember their various votes, actions and inactions when they come up for re-election and vote for them again because they do represent me in Washington.

I realize Ms. Gibson will have a different view. Based on the opinions she has expressed on numerous issues, I suspect an extremely moderate Republican, perhaps even a very moderate Democrat, would be too conservative for her taste.

Based on many past elections, a strong majority of Missouri voters are a little more conservative.


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