Your Opinion: Questions for defenders of big government


Dear Editor:

I wonder if part of the issues the "serial" writers have is just not having a hobby? Tony Smith seems to have a lot of time on his hands to expound in the editorial section of the paper. Most of his time is spent defending government's vast intrusion into our everyday lives and explaining how they know what's best for us.

I could begin with climate change but it's just the weather. What I would like the Obama liberals (and Smith) to explain, because they do know along with Obama what's best for us unwashed masses. Explain to me two things: what gives the government, whether state, local or federal, the right to set wages in a capitalistic free market and why is the president of the United States concerned with determining which bathroom to use?

High fives all around to NC for standing up to Obama's DOJ concerning the bathroom selection debacle. Jay is a big fan of Obama so you'll hear no criticism from the state of Missouri. My thought on that is your plumbing decides which bathroom you use. It really is that simple. The tail should never wag the dog.

On wages, the owner/CEO should be in charge of that; you don't like the salary, either go elsewhere, get a second job or educate yourself and become more valuable to your employer. Gee, taking responsibility without a government handout?

Gosh, I never got around to Clinton's emails, Benghazi, women in combat, free college for all, shutting down the coal industry or reducing our military to pre-1940. But let's eat the elephant one bite at a time. Because four more years of Obama will be a huge elephant to eat. We as a nation may never be able to swallow it!

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