Your Opinion: Weigh qualifications for governor

Dear Editor:

Unfortunately, this election season has been one of much rancor. It has exacerbated the division in our country. We complain about the Congress being polarized and dysfunctional. It is. But, we should keep in mind that Congress is a reflection of our society. It is a microcosm of the nation. The venom has been especially prevalent in the presidential campaign, beginning very early.

Experience in public office has been condemned by many voters as the root of evil. A review of our history will refute that thinking. Few, if any, of the giants in our political history have been beginners at the top. In our own governor's race we have a choice between experience in government and no experience in government; between one with a public service record and one with a different set of experiences. Each holds different positions on several major issues.

Fortunately, the governor's race to date has not sunk to the level that degrades the office. I encourage your readers to become informed about these two candidates. Central Missourians have demonstrated in the past that they are capable of sorting out what is most important to them in candidates for high political office. Leadership skills are learned. They are not innate. Which set of experiences is most important for our next governor? Which candidate will bring the greatest respect, through communications and compromise, to the governing process? Which will cause the best balance?

Let's cheer up and appreciate our system of government. As Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government in the world, except for all the others."


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