Your Opinion: Steering the ship of state

Dear Editor:

Sept. 18 is Constitution Day, the day we remember to celebrate our country's governing document and foundation. In my opinion, this document is too much ignored, sidestepped and otherwise violated by many elected and appointed officials and the document most are sworn to uphold and obey as holding office or serving this country.

But speaking of a different constitution, the U.S.S. Constitution is a three-masted frigate launched 219 years ago on Sept. 20, 1797 ,in direct response to the Muslim Barbary pirates of the Mediterranean Sea.

The U.S.S. Constitution anchors in Boston harbor. It is the first of the three frigates commissioned by Congress as authorized by the Navy Act of 1794. Choice timber from oak and pine were selected from Maine, Georgia and New Jersey. Paul Revere provided the copper cladding for the hull. It served honorably in the subsequent Barbary War and more notably in the War of 1812. It has the nickname "Old Ironsides" due to its strength in repelling British oppression. It has weathered storms and aging over the years, and its citizens have insured its upkeep by making repairs, renewing deterioration and assuring operability - amendments so to speak. Its previous captains have safe-guarded its integrity.

Now, the U.S.S. Constitution is in dire peril. Its captain Obamabad has steered it into treacherous seas off the coast of New Wrongland and placed it into gale-force winds off starboard. If he stays the course without floundering or capsizing, he will beach it there where it will ultimately break apart. He is determined with this course so much that he will turn the wheel over to under-study Hiliary Hellbound, and she will continue without change.

The ship does have aboard a certain civilian Mr. Trumpet, and able shipman who has the knowledge and wherewithal to save the vessel. He is certain he can head the ship into the wind, weather the storm and achieve calm seas if given the opportunity.

We, the crew, must allow the turn to starboard, hard to the right, to save the United States Constitution - our country - all politics aside. This next election is not about the presidency; it is about the preservation of our country and our freedom and our independence.


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