Your Opinion: Hillary plays us for fools

Dear Editor:

Ross Perot said "hear that sucking sound?" (All our jobs leaving USA for Mexico when NAFTA passes). He was a businessman, too. How many things will come true that DJT has said? Could it be possible politicians really are inept at job creation and staying on budget?

The Clintons are playing us for fools and some of us are living up to it. Use "common sense." Benghazi: why did administration lie to the people about a video? Why did Hillary lie to a mom that lost her son? Who sent out Susan Rice to tell lies? They all play dumb/pass the buck.

WikiLeaks dumps emails. Hillary calls foul. So does Russia have such an understanding of her and Podesta they can make these comments sound so authentic? No, emails are real! Why did Hillary destroy her stuff? Why did FBI give her a pass? Why did IRS get a pass? Why did Obama insert himself into racial tensions before facts were known? This is all about "trickle down corruption" and it starts at the top and includes Hillary. Vote for her if you can answer all these questions in a sensible way, or stay home if you can't.

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