Your Opinion: Time to realign priorities

Dear Editor:

So, Adrian's Island is going ahead. I still don't understand why the city is so adamant about wasting money building something on a sand bar, when the town has so much more, that is needed.

It seems to me that once again, the city is chasing smoke like it did with the convention center.

We are hemorrhaging business' like a gaping wound, to start with. At last count, Hasting's and Radio Shack, which I know are corporate decisions, and Barnes and Noble and MC Sports, because of lease disagreements.

Has the city or chamber done anything to help these last two business maybe find new properties? Recently, Mighty MO Cash Saver announced it is closing and, in an article I saw a couple of weeks ago, Hobby Lobby's owners may shut down all stores because of personal reasons.

Then, there is the problem with infrastructure. Substandard drainage causing sink holes and the need for other preventative street work, to lead the list.

Seems to me, the city needs to re-evaluate their priorities.


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