Your Opinion: Inefficient federal funding folly

Dear Editor:

The News Tribune recently reported that Jefferson City received $262,865 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

What possible sense does it make for the federal government to borrow hundreds of billions of dollars every year so that it can hand out money to local communities? Over $50,000 of the money will be spent locally for administration.

No doubt more than that was spent funding the countless D.C. bureaucrats who come up with such nonsensical ways to justify federal borrowing and spending.

If the projects to be funded by this grant are worthy of being funded by taxpayers then they should be funded at the state or local level. They should not be funded with borrowed money.

Those who believe the projects are worthy of being funded by taxpayers should be lobbying either city, county or state politicians to find a way to fund the projects. If there is no current source available to fund worthwhile projects then the supporters should work to generate support for a tax increase.

We voters should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing the national debt to more than double in just the past eight years. All future generations will spend their entire working lives subjected to higher taxes to pay for the additional interest on the massive federal debt.

The Congressional Budget Office recently projected that if we continue this insanity the portion of the federal budget dedicated to paying interest on the national debt will increase from 6 percent of the budget to 21 percent of the budget in just 30 years.

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