Your Opinion: Response to trio of letters

Dear Editor:

The Sept. 25 Op-Ed pages show that Jefferson City is a microcosm of the nation. As the election nears, the Tinfoil Hat Brigade becomes more stentorian. My "Tinfoil Threat Meter" hasn't reached Red ("severe" threat), but the level is "elevated," and is nearing "high."

Mark Bruenger types out a pointless word salad warning us that we are in mortal danger from the forces of world domination. One particular point Mr. Bruenger makes is that the "Muslim Mayor of London" and some "Democrats" have a narrative that "terror attacks are part and parcel of urban life, and we must just "accept defeat." Mr. Bruenger, consider Israel. They have lived under a daily threat of terror since inception in 1948. If the Israelis cannot "stop" terror, I seriously doubt that Donald Trump can here (even though he says that only he can).

Wanda Roam types out her periodical warning that disobedience to God is the cause of all of our problems. Normally I simply glance at Wanda's articles and move on. I disagree with her theology, but if it makes her happy to proselytize, perhaps there is good.

One paragraph that did catch my eye; "global warming alarmists have created an occult religion that is willing to sacrifice the livelihood and well-being of humans in order to bow down and worship mother earth."

Wanda, science is not a religion or belief system. Science is a method of investigation. The law of gravity is a scientific theory, but I'm betting you won't attempt to disprove it by jumping off of a tall building while placing your faith in God.

Harold Horstmann types out his typical screed, grumping about all things "liberal." He asserts that the liberal left foments hatred between groups to "divide and conquer." To steal from Headmaster Dumbledore (Harry Potter universe), "Now there is illogic as we have not seen in many a year." No, Mr. Horstmann, it is the right fomenting hatred. Just watch a Trump rally.

I also take issue his characterizing Sarah Palin as a "successful governor."

Sarah Palin resigned halfway through her term due to ethics investigations paralyzing the governor's office. Successful? As a lifelong Republican, in 2008 I voted Democratic because I could not vote for a ticket putting Sarah Palin one heartbeat from being near nuclear weapons.

That's it for "This Week in Local Tinfoil." More to come I suspect.


Issue-oriented letters to the editor are welcome. All letters should be limited to 400 words; letters may be edited to conform to guidelines. The author's name must appear with the letter, and the name, address and phone number provided for verification. Letters that cannot be verified by telephone will not be published. Email to [email protected].

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