Your Opinion: Are we willing to make sacrifices?

Dear Editor:

Although there have been only a couple of responses to my question of saving mankind or the Earth they have been interesting enough.
I don't see how 21 teenagers suing the federal government over fossil fuels is going to make much difference. It's their constitutional right.
The government may have known for decades of C02 pollution but let's put that in perspective.
We are the most affluent society on the planet. We feel we are entitled to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness For many generations now we have demanded that the factories that crank out the goods that we think we need right now are cheap and accessible to all. We expect cheap, fresh, high-quality, GMO-free and organic foods be available in every variety possible so we can take it home and toss it in the can.
For generations it was fossil fuels that factories used because it was cheap and the flow of goods created jobs and that kept the government going.
Suing the government won't accomplish anything.
I am sure that the Earth will be fine when mankind is gone. Our Earth has gone through climate change before some brought in by cataclysmic events. I do agree with Davis in that climate change is occurring but to presume the change as something new is wrong.
As our population continues to grow, as Tony Smith pointed out, the real challenge will be feeding them. On that subject I could write a book.
Any humans that think that this climate change can be stopped or reversed surely suffers from a God complex. At best we may be able to slow it down some if we make less demands on the Earth but to pass the blame and the responsibility of the solution on to the government and big companies while we sit around enjoying all that stuff that we feel that we are entitled to won't accomplish anything.

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