Your Opinion: Higher speed limit opposed

Dear Editor:

The county commissioners have made a big mistake by increasing the speed limit of 45 miles per hour to 55 miles per hour (a 22 percent increase) on West Brazito Road.

Their justification is based on a traffic study's finding that 85 percent of drivers speed. That is ludicrous. The county solicited input - which I voiced. I simply stated speed limits should be consistent with road conditions such as traffic lane widths, available shoulders, site distance and degree of curves. This was in reference to any proposed increase in speed limit - not just West Brazitio Road.

The Cole County Department of Public Works should be required to provide common design standards to justify the increase, not a traffic study of speeders.

I made an e-mail comment as requested; how many others made comments, in particular, the property owners along that road? What was the summary of that input received?

Additionally, maybe input from the sheriff's department or Highway Patrol about enforcement of the speed limits would be better than thinking that, increasing or leaving it the same, wouldn't change how people drive on the road.

I suggest the action be delayed until a valid design speed analysis of the roadway by a traffic engineer validates the increase.


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