Your Opinion: Media does disservice to police officers

Dear Editor:

Our police officers, locally and nationally, seem to by "damned if they do and damned if they don't," to quote an old cliche.

The national news media are always ready and willing to jump on the bandwagon that began rolling after Barack Obama's uninformed and irresponsible remarks about Boston police officers back in 2009.

And now it appears that you and your staff have hopped aboard.

I realize statistics are news especially those negative numbers regarding police officers. Aren't the stats about the million and one good deeds they do on a daily is just as important? Why not report those numbers in big, bold headlines?

I seriously doubt that any law official - local, county, state or nationally - who is truly doing their best to protect American citizens is taking their time to tally up: "Now let's see how many white drivers and how many black drivers have I stopped today? Gotta get it right and acceptable to everyone so nobody gets their feelings hurt."

It's ridiculous.


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