Your Opinion: Photo ID for voting favored

Dear Editor:

I always wonder when a person protests voter ID just what is it that they are hiding?

While the Constitution does give us the right to vote (actually it is a privilege) it does not give us is the right to sell our vote so that so that someone else can vote in our stead.

It does not give us the right to give our vote to someone to vote for us if we don't or can't get to the polls. It does not give us the right to vote after we are dead.

Let's face it; the system has been abused for a long time. Does anyone remember Chicago Democrat Mayor Richard Daly? The election system in Chicago was so corrupt that people who had been deceased for years were still voting for Mayor Daly.

I understand for someone who is undocumented it would be a hardship to obtain a voter ID especially since not everyone in the country has a birth certificate. But don't you need a birth certificate to get a Social Security number as well as a driver's license? Although there is so much fraud within the Social Security system that may not be a good example.

Voter ID is only another layer of security that our country could use about now.

I would gladly give my tax dollars to ensure process is not being used to put undesirables in positions of power.

The word eligible does not mean that just because you live on American soil - whether you are rich or poor, old or young , you are able bodied or handicapped or if you are a minority or not - eligible, according to the dictionary, essentially means legally qualified.

I fine it interesting that it always comes down to Democrats or Republicans issues. Always have to wonder why Democrats want to keep voters so incognito. Are they really protecting their voters or are they protecting their positions of power. Vote for voter ID in November.

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