Your Opinion: Candidates' failings

Dear Editor:

I have seen a lot of elections in my life but this one is the most bizarre I have ever seen.

One of the crucial things is that neither candidate declares openly their belief in God. They failed to provide practical provisions to enforce the illegal immigrant law; failed to allow profiling to help stop violent criminal types or terrorism; failed to have realistic ideas to prohibit abortions done because of a fetus's race, sex or ancestry and mandate that the only way to dispense of an aborted fetus is through burial or cremation; failed to allow tax credits or vouchers for parents to have the freedom to choose better education for their children in public or private schools; and failure to consider regulations for pharmaceutical companies or allowing Americans to purchase their pharmacy supplies from foreign countries

Just for the record someone needs to inform Hillary Clinton that assault weapon is a uniform term that is used by people who are gun-illiterate The semi-automatic rifle used at the Florida Florida nightclub shooting was a Sig-Sauer MPX made in Europe. The operational systems are different from the AR-15. Learn history before you speak on it.

"To conquer a nation first disarm the citizens " - Adolf Hitler

While Middle Eastern countries violate the human rights of women Hillary Clinton keeps millions of dollars in contributions for favors. Hillary is a clone of the Obama administration and supports the government purge of FBI Training Manual for what we need to know about Islam. (We will not describe what the threat is and it comes from.)

Family is society's most basic unit. Entire civilizations have survived or disappeared depending on whether family life was strong or weak. Our country is being morally compromised relating to principles of right or wrong.

I believe the same sex ruling and transgender restrooms are unconstitutional and morally obtuse. We need to replace political correctness with common sense.

Most congressmen are not consistent in the spirit of the Constitution and ignore nominees' qualifications and opt for a ringer who represents the ideology of the sitting president.

"Citizens who cannot trust their government band together in fear. If people in positions of power commit unlawful acts and and are not held accountable then citizens fear of the government is justified" - Anonymous

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