Your Opinion: A look at the presidential candidates

Dear Editor:

Once again I respectfully ask each and every person who reads my comments to please keep an open mind when you do so. Over the last eight years, in regard to the current administration, I think it is more than fair to say most of Americans at one point in time, either as Democrats or Republicans, have asked ourselves: Wait a minute, this does not seem or feel like the right thing for America IE: my country?

I know in the most recent past we have thought the same thing. However with what has happened in the last eight and a half years and the track record of the current administration, I believe America has stepped back into some kind of abyss.

I pray we elect someone who has the courage to address the dire straights our country is in and has been exposed to for the last eight and a half years. Someone who has the business mind, the energy, the enthusiasm, and the excitement to turn the Titanic around ! After all, our country, ladies and gentlemen is just one giant corporation, is it not?

Bear with me please, those of you who know me, I sometimes digress. Let us begin with Hillary Clinton. No I am not being judgmental. I refuse to insult your intelligence by going line item by line item about Ms. Clinton's past transgressions, faults, felonies, computer knowledge or health issues.

I leave that to the talking heads on CNN to explain to me what I think. Any way, let us intelligently take a quick look at her record.

Let's say Ms. Clinton only did 50 percent of the things reported she did. What is too high a percentage? Okay, let's say 30 percent. Based on that 30 percent let us say 10 percent was committed as a result of pure stupidity. Hold on, what I meant was not having a working knowledge of the Constitution or of the law as to her position as Obama's secretary of state and as an attorney. Well, enough said for that candidate.

Lets get to the meat of the matter, Donald J. Trump. Simply said, my dear friends, I think based on my humble uneducated scenario. Ms. Clinton did 30 percent of what she has been accused of and Donald J. Trump said something mean.

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