Plan to rezone East Capitol Avenue passed on to city council

The Jefferson City Planning and Zoning Commission has passed on to the full City Council a plan to rezone the East Capitol Avenue area to a mixed-use zoning district and establishment of an overlay district that would require new construction to meet architectural design requirements similar to the existing architecture in the district.

The rezoning and overlay district areas are generally located east of Adams Street, north of East High Street, south of East State Street and west of Chestnut Street.

Within the zoning code, the regulations for the Capitol Avenue Overlay District would:

Only apply to new construction and rehab projects on buildings. Existing buildings could be repaired and maintained in their current appearance.

Not apply to PUD plans, installation of storm doors/windows, gutters, vents, and chimney caps, maintenance of existing features, interior work and city abatement of code violations.

Tie land use to the underlying zoning district. Multi-family buildings would be limited to four units per building, with larger buildings only being permitted through the PUD process.

Establish site design standards such as the building must have a porch and front door toward the dominant street; the lot area and width would be established with the underlying zoning district; building setbacks would be within 2 feet of the average setback line; the maximum width requirement for driveways, while encouraging access from alley; location of parking to the side or rear of the building; walkways from front door to curb; yard fences with iron posts; and large buildings near streets must be finished with brick or stone.

Establish building design standards, including exterior walls on front and side facades would be brick or stone; decorative cornices on front facades; windows and doors would cover a minimum of 5 percent of the front facade to a maximum of 20 percent; buildings are required to include at least three architectural features (from a list of 15 common features in the district) into the front facade; and a minimum height of two stories and maximum height of two and a half stories.

Require a favorable vote of the Historic Preservation Commission for demolition or additions to structures greater than 50 years old.

Other items sent on to the City Council for their approval

A request from Capital Sand Company and other related entities owned by the Farmer family to rezone approximately 104 acres from a variety of existing uses such as light industrial, central commercial and conservation to general industrial zoning. The property is located on the south side of Mokane Road at the intersection of Hibernia Road. Company officials said this was because they will be moving their Christy Drive asphalt plant over to this site. This will allow the Special Olympics Missouri to put in their facility at the Christy site. They also said with a tree buffer line and tress currently in place along the Missouri River, the plant should not be seen from the State Capitol, across the river.

A request from David and Nancy Jaeger, property owner, on behalf of Joe Machens Capital City Ford, to rezone a quarter of an acre from high density residential to general commercial to allow the car dealership to expand their vehicle sale display area. The property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Southwest Boulevard and Glenwood Drive. The purpose of the request is to bring the existing operations into conformance with the zoning code. This also would allow Machens to proceed with plans for major renovations of all their Southwest Boulevard facilities.

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