Your Opinion: Bout foreshadows D.C. showdown

Dear Editor:

I have just finished watching the news of which the main subject, of course, was the stalemate going on in Washington, D.C., between the Democrats and the Republicans concerning our countries Democratic Obamacare, and the Republicans stand off for our country's abilities to pay its debts.

Standing on the sidelines we also have tens of thousands of Americans laid off from their federal jobs because of this stalemate of whether we should raise the debt ceiling to pay the debts or keep the Obamacare. This round and round and round stuff is becoming boring to say the least.

Once upon a time long ago there lived a very wise man, by the name of Cletus Ewing Melcher. One night at his famous Club 50, a thriving little business all of us old guys remember, for it is no-more, but well remembered, two brothers whic h will not be named, (to protect the innocent) came in and began drinking, God bless 'em. As usual the more 3.2 beer they drank the more they found each other's presence distasteful, fists were formed, and the dance for superiority began.

Well this dance went on and on, not a blow was made for what seemed like hours. (Does this sound close to anything written above?) Clete with all his wisdom stepped around the bar, walked toward these two opposing lads and said, "Well hell. One of 'em's scared and the other'ns glad of it.

No truer words were ever spoken, not then, not now.

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