Your Opinion: Outraged by writer's outrage

Dear Editor:

I am outraged over Ms. Baumgartner's outrage in Wednesday's letter.

Her outrage over Speaker Boehner asking who will go to jail is because laws have been broken. The housing collapse she refers to were the regulations passed by a Democratic Senate and House. No laws were broken, just bad regulations by liberal Democrats.

The outrage she has for the wealthy to "hide their money in other countries" is solely a result of the outrageous (no pun intended) tax regulations this country has. And keep in mind Ms. Baumgartner, although I am sure you would confiscate it if you could, it's their money.

You may want to read the Constitution Ms. Baumgartner. We are not a democracy, thanks to the old white guys in wigs. We are a republic. So your rhetoric concerning folks exercising their freedom of speech over the airwaves is confusing to me. We should not be a democracy. Do a little civics research on the difference and I am confident you will agree with that.

With the IRS meltdown, Benghazi, gun control and the DOJ spying and tapping the phone lines of news reporters, you think finance reform should be a priority?

Sorry Ms. Baumgartner, you are not part of the solution and yes, somebody needs to go to jail.

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