Your Opinion: Deer hunting in the sights

Dear Editor:

When I read Mr. Winter's first letter concerning deer hunting it reminded me of the woman on the radio that wanted the deer crossing sign moved to a less active street to make it safer for the deer and drivers.

She thought it was crazy for the street department to put a deer crossing on such a busy street. She didn't think the sign wasn't there to make the deer cross at that spot, the sign was there to alert the drivers that deer naturally cross there.

After reading the second letter, I decided to check some of his facts, so I contacted the Conservation Department. Deer haven't been moved into or around Missouri for many years. There have been no reports that the food going to Share the Harvest is going into the garbage or dog dishes.

Personally I think the reason for so many deer is because of all the anti-hunting and anti-gun advocates pushing to stop people from owning guns and to make hunting and hunters out to be bad guys. You want fewer deer, grab a gun, buy a deer tag and go hunting

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