Your Opinion: Utility infrastructure measure supported

Dear Editor:

Making investments in our state's infrastructure is not just important, it should be considered mandatory.

How can we compete with surrounding states that make it a priority to do so when Missouri is so far behind in the game? This means less industry and economic development opportunities for Missouri and more new, manufacturing and high-tech companies calling our neighboring states home. Sen. Mike Kehoe recently introduced SB207 Infrastructure Strengthening And Regulatory Streamlining legislation that can help change this.

What other benefits can we as Missourians expect with an upgraded infrastructure?

If ISRS is passed, key upgrades to our power facilities and substations will not only improve reliability and reduce outages, but will help keep our monthly electric bill low and predictable, giving man of us peace of mind.

It's time to welcome a 21st century energy policy to Missouri and eliminate the century old electric regulations we continue to implement. I applaud Sen. Schaefer for joining in support of Sen. Kehoe's legislation and trust that other state leaders will want to help Missouri's energy infrastracture grow and modernize. I'm confident that ISRS is the way to get there.

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